Rest and Recovery, part 1
CrossFit’s style brings something different and [sometimes] exciting each day. It becomes hard to say “no” because we have FOMO – almost all workouts look fun! CrossFitters are crazy like that. This higher level of intensity requires us to be even more diligent than most in taking rest days in order to recover and allow our muscles to repair themselves.
My COVID Experience
I’d like to tell a little story, and try to condense several weeks into a short story. The start of the new year was a rough one for me. As a younger, healthy, fit person you likely didn’t give COVID too much thought other than needing to wear a mask in public and try to protect those you know considered high-risk. You probably felt the risk to yourself is quite low.
The Downfalls of Calorie Restriction
If calories in is less than calories out that equals weight loss, right? Yes, and no. The math looks simple but what if I told you there’s more to the equation? There are some important facts that are often misunderstood.
Carbs - Friend or Foe?
No matter what fitness program you follow, hopefully CrossFit :) the workouts will only get you so far. As the saying goes “abs are made in the kitchen.” So what’s the secret to getting abs? A sustainable, healthy diet. Sustainable “diet” solutions should last a lifetime – not 7 or 30 days.